News / time-lapse
VapeCon South Africa 2017!!!
VapeCon South Africa 2017 has come and gone, and what a ride it was...
(See our video at the bottom of this post below - pics from the day to follow)!!!
The Vapery went all out this year, putting three stands together and tripling up on resources to bring you what we hope you also feel was something extra-special :)
Days (and sleepless nights) of preparation, countless hours and even more joules of energy expended, planning, drawing, packing, moving, unpacking, moving, standing, rushing, sweating, stressing... then again, packing, moving, unpacking, moving - grueling stuff!!!
In any event - our Team had a blast, only just regretting it was seemingly over before we could blink our eyes (or have a seat / explore around).
Our specials ran crazy, and went down really well to the masses - making it exceptionally hard to move around within the stand among the crowd and sales team...
And so, we decided - hey, let's continue running a really cool and low-balling super-special, with all of our imported / international brand 30ml e-liquids going for just R150-00 incl. VAT !! (Excl. Five Pawns, at R250-00 incl. VAT !!).
Head over to our SALE section to grab yourself some bargains on what's still left, before its too late ;)
P.S... A quick, but HUGE shout-out and thanks to The Blue Room, Gerda and Ronel, you and your team out-did yourselves, yet again - THANK YOU for the most epic stand at the event, we know how much work went into pulling it all off, and truly appreciate it deeply.
Thank you also to our Team, The Vapery legends ~ you all rock! Thank You!
Oh yes, and one last thing - we commissioned a team of pro's to catch the day on film - and here it is, ready for you to recap / catch-up, and enjoy ! (Another quick thank you to DRAD Media) !
#thevapery #beststand #cosmicfog #fivepawns #dinnerladyuk #teardripjuiceco #crazyspecials #crazyassday #dedicatedteamftw #mysticnectar #bringthehaze #craftvapour #blendsofdistinction #vapeconvideo #vapeconthevapery #vapeconsouthafrica #vapecon2017video #VapeCon2017 #VapeCon #vapeexpo #timelapse #time-lapse #thevaperyvapeconsouthafrica #TheVaperyVapeCon2017 #TheVaperyVapeCon #Onceayear #vapeon #vapestrong