Contact Us

The Vapery Main Telephone / Switchboard: 

 087 980 VPRY | 087 980 8779 

The Vapery Centurion | Doringkloof Shopping Centre

MAIN SHOP PHONE- 087 980 8779 (ext. 2)

Store Manager - Kyle / 074 211 0101 /

General Manager- Luke / 074 230 0101 /

Owner- Dirk / 084 566 6667 / (Kindly do not call owners for stock related inquiries)

Store Address: Shop No. 44 ~ Doringkloof Mall (Opposite the Wimpy)

Street Address: Lupin Avenue - Just off Botha from the N1). 

(Click here for Map/Directions)

The Vapery Pretoria | Montana Corner Shopping Centre

MAIN SHOP PHONE- 087 980 8779 (ext. 4)

Store Manager - Tania  / 074 260 0101 /

General Manager- Luke / 074 230 0101 /

Owner- Dirk / 084 566 6667 / (Kindly do not call owners for stock related inquiries)

Store Address: Shop No. 23 ~ Montana Corner Shopping Centre

Street Address: Corner Sefako Makgatho Drive (Zambesi) and Doctor Swanepoel Road, Pretoria, 0181

(Click here for Map/Directions)

Franchise Stores / Agents: For contact details and address info for our franchise stores, please see the Store Locations link, included here are all of our shops/franchises maps, directions, and operating hours, etc.!

Alternatively, you may simply send us a mail using the quick contact form below: