26 May, 2020:
Dear Vapery Clients,
The stage 3 lock down is coming into effect, opening up many retail and e commerce options for businesses, unfortunately this does not apply to the vaping industry. The ban on Tobacco and Vaping products is still in full effect by the government.
Until the ban is lifted, we are unfortunately unable to resume trade through our online and/or physical stores.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you!
Keep well, stay safe!
- The Vapery Team.
16 May, 2020:
Dear Vapery customers, The government has allowed many retail and E-commerce businesses to trade online as the staged lock down starts coming into effect.
Unfortunately this does not apply to The Vapery and many other vendors in our industry. The ban on Tobacco products, E-cigarettes and alternatives is still in affect during this time. Due to this we are still unable to return to work, open our branches to the public or sell any vaping goods online.
Until the ban is lifted the matter is unfortunately out of our control. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has and will continue to cause you! Fingers crossed that we can open up soon!
Keep well,
The Vapery Team.

28 April, 2020:
Dear Vapery customers, we regret to share the official news and instruction given by the government officials on the 28th, regarding the decision to continue the ban / restriction of all sales of tobacco (and, also now specifically referencing "E-Cigarettes" – which are technically not a “tobacco” product, to be included in this.)
As such, and until further notice, we will not be opening any of our stores from the 1st of May as many (ourselves included) had desperately been hoping for.
(Please Note: This includes our physical shops, as well as online store – through which, we can neither offer the any sale of any of our products via delivery, nor collection or of any other means/manner.)
We apologise for the inconvenience and can assure you that the moment we are able to do so, or receive news or confirmation surrounding the matter, we will immediately inform everyone accordingly.
(Communications will continue to be sent out via a combination of an e-mailer, our website and this blog/news post, as well as The Vapery Android app “push notification”!.)
Keep well and stay safe,
~ The Vapery Team

27 April, 2020:
Dear Vapery customers, we know that you are all awaiting feedback regarding our stores opening from the 1st of May.
We are just as eager to get things going, but unfortunately we have not yet received any updates or confirmation stating that the restrictions will be lifted on our industry come the 1st of May.
The Vapery will be keeping an eye on the announcements and feedback presented by the gov, and we will keep all of you up to date with regards to when we can open and how we will be operating.
We ask for your patience and understanding during this time of uncertainty, and sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this has caused all of you!
Keep well,
~ The Vapery Team

28 March, 2020:
A Notice was issued to South Africans, instructing that a prominent link and notice be placed on the front pages / landing page of all websites under the ".za" domain space. Accordingly, we have placed multiple clear notices for this on our own.
Just in case you managed to somehow miss these notices - the website address once again is:
Please do visit this official site, and keep yourself informed and up to date on the latest happenings of the virus outbreak, and all of our responsibilities/requirements, too. Thank you, stay safe, and stay well - and - BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER! With love and best wishes ~The Vapery Team
27 March, 2020:
Dear customers, we believe that everyone should be up-to-date with what the countries rules and newly imposed laws dictate WHAT IS and WHAT IS NOT allowed to be sold. In this this, it is abundantly clear that, unfortunately, The Vapery does not fall within this 'allowed' list.
To be very clear and 'to the point' on this:
- We will be CLOSED for the full duration of the nationwide lock down.
- We will NOT be able to ship any online orders, this includes any orders that were placed after the cut-off time as advertised via email campaign, and app push notifications, etc.
- We have no control over what our couriers were able to deliver for those packaged we did ship out - from what we have been able to check up on, there were perhaps only 1 or 2 in totality which may not have been delivered due to crisis time-constraints and excess demand at the 'last minute'.
23 March, 2020:
Due to the rapid spread of the Corona Virus, and in a step towards being precautionary and diligent:
The Vapery has elected to officially “close doors” as of 17:00 this afternoon (23/03/2020).
HOWEVER, we do still intend and expect be able to service our customers, just with some slight adjustments to the manner which we do so:
- We will be implementing a strictly on-line / phone-in and order taking basis, to ensure that our customers and staff are not exposed or exposing ANY risk to one another.
- We will be offering a ‘collect AT store’ option – whereby orders placed can still be collected, but, will be placed outside the doors at time of arrival for collection, so as to avoid person-to-person contact.
- Extremely vigilant sterilisation will take place between all of our staff, the stores, stock, and packaging materials – before, during and after each step in the process to ensure no spread of any viruses or germs is possible.
We trust and ask for your patience and understanding at this difficult, uncertain and challenging time as we embark on this effort to play our part in preventing the rapid spread of the virus.

26 May, 2020:
Dear Vapery Clients,
The stage 3 lock down is coming into effect, opening up many retail and e commerce options for businesses, unfortunately this does not apply to the vaping industry. The ban on Tobacco and Vaping products is still in full effect by the government.
Until the ban is lifted, we are unfortunately unable to resume trade through our online and/or physical stores.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you!
Keep well, stay safe!
- The Vapery Team.
16 May, 2020:
Dear Vapery customers, The government has allowed many retail and E-commerce businesses to trade online as the staged lock down starts coming into effect.
Unfortunately this does not apply to The Vapery and many other vendors in our industry. The ban on Tobacco products, E-cigarettes and alternatives is still in affect during this time. Due to this we are still unable to return to work, open our branches to the public or sell any vaping goods online.
Until the ban is lifted the matter is unfortunately out of our control. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has and will continue to cause you! Fingers crossed that we can open up soon!
Keep well,
The Vapery Team.
28 April, 2020:
Dear Vapery customers, we regret to share the official news and instruction given by the government officials on the 28th, regarding the decision to continue the ban / restriction of all sales of tobacco (and, also now specifically referencing "E-Cigarettes" – which are technically not a “tobacco” product, to be included in this.)
As such, and until further notice, we will not be opening any of our stores from the 1st of May as many (ourselves included) had desperately been hoping for.
(Please Note: This includes our physical shops, as well as online store – through which, we can neither offer the any sale of any of our products via delivery, nor collection or of any other means/manner.)
We apologise for the inconvenience and can assure you that the moment we are able to do so, or receive news or confirmation surrounding the matter, we will immediately inform everyone accordingly.
(Communications will continue to be sent out via a combination of an e-mailer, our website and this blog/news post, as well as The Vapery Android app “push notification”!.)
Keep well and stay safe,
~ The Vapery Team
27 April, 2020:
Dear Vapery customers, we know that you are all awaiting feedback regarding our stores opening from the 1st of May.
We are just as eager to get things going, but unfortunately we have not yet received any updates or confirmation stating that the restrictions will be lifted on our industry come the 1st of May.
The Vapery will be keeping an eye on the announcements and feedback presented by the gov, and we will keep all of you up to date with regards to when we can open and how we will be operating.
We ask for your patience and understanding during this time of uncertainty, and sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this has caused all of you!
Keep well,
~ The Vapery Team
28 March, 2020:
A Notice was issued to South Africans, instructing that a prominent link and notice be placed on the front pages / landing page of all websites under the ".za" domain space. Accordingly, we have placed multiple clear notices for this on our own.
Just in case you managed to somehow miss these notices - the website address once again is:
Please do visit this official site, and keep yourself informed and up to date on the latest happenings of the virus outbreak, and all of our responsibilities/requirements, too. Thank you, stay safe, and stay well - and - BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER! With love and best wishes ~The Vapery Team
27 March, 2020:
Dear customers, we believe that everyone should be up-to-date with what the countries rules and newly imposed laws dictate WHAT IS and WHAT IS NOT allowed to be sold. In this this, it is abundantly clear that, unfortunately, The Vapery does not fall within this 'allowed' list.
To be very clear and 'to the point' on this:
23 March, 2020:
Due to the rapid spread of the Corona Virus, and in a step towards being precautionary and diligent:
The Vapery has elected to officially “close doors” as of 17:00 this afternoon (23/03/2020).
HOWEVER, we do still intend and expect be able to service our customers, just with some slight adjustments to the manner which we do so:
We trust and ask for your patience and understanding at this difficult, uncertain and challenging time as we embark on this effort to play our part in preventing the rapid spread of the virus.